We all are pretty active on social media, especially on Twitter. We used the power of Twitter effectively to run campaigns like the never ending Save the Internet and the recent Privacy Month. All our local and regional events are covered lively through Twitter.

But are we well organized on Twitter? How connected we are as the Mozilla India community members? As an individual, somehow we are connected to each other. But the network isn't strong. Well, let's get connected. Let's make our efforts and initiatives well organized.

So Team Social of Mozilla India is taking a step to connect all our community members who use Twitter to share the awesomeness of Mozilla.

Introducing Mozilla India Community Twitter List.

What is a Twitter List? It's a curated group of Twitter users. In our case, it's a group of Mozilla India community members. A perfect place to find Mozillians from India. The social hub of the most diverse Mozilla community.

Why you have to get added yourself in this list?

Community outreach and engagement through Twitter. As Mozillians, we do all have a shared interest. We are talking about a shared mission.

This is the perfect place to see all the tweets of Mozillians from India. You can engage with all of them within a single window. You don't need to follow all the community members one by one to know how your fellow community members contributing to our mission. Instead, you need to just subscribe this list, and you are done.

The public benefit.

If anyone is interested in, says a Netizen who trust Mozilla and love what we do for the betterment of the open Web, wants to know more about our community and looking for what is trending in our community. They just need to subscribe the list and they are set. Visit the list, and see all the tweets from the Mozilla India community in a single place. How awesome it is, isn't it?

View the list in action.

Interested in? Looking for how to get started?

Boom. Done. We will take care of the rest.