Take Aways of MozDeccan, The Mozilla Hyderabad Meetup 2015
Post lunch we had hands-on learning sessions for different functional areas. A big round of applause for Akshay, Harsha, Sai Charan and other volunteers who did a great job in handling the hands on sessions. And Indeed, a big round of applause for the whole community and the audience of the day. Find out more about the demos and tasks accomplished during these sessions on the etherpad.
The biggest take-away of the event was the mentors based functional areas groups. The audience selected the areas in which they want to contribute, and the mentors share the road of their functional area with the group members. As the take away, the mentors of the groups will do continuous follow up with the group members, we all group will do their best to achieve the goals we defined for 2015 at earliest. For example you can read about Bugzilla group's goals and milestones in this blogpost. The event was closed with the take away, road maps, and the cheering faces :)
The biggest take-away of the event was the mentors based functional areas groups. The audience selected the areas in which they want to contribute, and the mentors share the road of their functional area with the group members. As the take away, the mentors of the groups will do continuous follow up with the group members, we all group will do their best to achieve the goals we defined for 2015 at earliest. For example you can read about Bugzilla group's goals and milestones in this blogpost. The event was closed with the take away, road maps, and the cheering faces :)